DRYBITUMEX is a solvent based ,fluid applied, reinforced elastomeric bitumen waterproof and dampproof coating with good thyxotropic performance provides an effective monolithic air, vapor and water proof membrane when applied to most construction surfaces. DRYBITUMEX cures to a tough monolithic, highly flexible

seamless rubber-like membrane with good adhesion to almost any solid substrate. Cold-applied by brush, roller, trowel or spray.


Joint less membrane when it cures.

Crack-bridging capabilities, extremely versatile & high performance.

●  Tough rubber-like – flexible, elastomeric and damage resistant.

●  Single component-cold applied and ready to use

●  Excellent adhesion to most building substrates

●  Efficient curing membrane to newly placed concrete

●  Asbestos free.

●  Can be applied on damp substrates

●  Excellent resistance against chemicals

(Chloride, sulphate ions ,acids and alkalis)

●  Environmentally friendly, cold applied – no flame hazard.

●  Health Friendly and non-hazardous.

●  Applicable in any season and able to withstand temperature fluctuations

●  Easy to apply and Fast cure.


●  Designed for multi purpose projects

●  Suitable for damp proofing below ground.

●  Water proofing /damp proofing of most substrates.

●  Provides an air, vapor and rain barrier to construction surfaces such as masonry, concrete, gypsum board and wood.

●  Protection of foundations, columns and beams.

●  Water proofing, vapor, air protection of structures, retaining walls and facades

●  For use as an adhesive on wood blocks, wood mosaics, polystyrene insulation boards etc.

●  Waterproofing for interior, exterior walls and wet areas

●  Protection of concrete substructures, super structures and manholes from corrosive soil

●  Excellent Anti termite and anti corrosive product

●  Excellent resistance to all types of chemicals metal roof etc.Provides excellent adhesion to almost any type of surface.


Available in 20 litre Pail and 200 Litre drum


Store materials between 10°C-50°C with careful handling to prevent damage to products. If conditions exceed these ranges, special consideration in storage must be taken. Do not store at high temperatures in direct sunlight. Shelf life under normal conditions in closed container will be 24 months.